Time Pulau Kuku:

Apart from being blessed with a sunny tropical climate, it's good to know that Anambas has 2 main seasons: 1) A warm and fair spell that lasts from April to October and 2) A cooler somewhat wetter period, typically December and January.

The months in between these 2 seasons are so called intermonsoons, a few weeks during which the weather is a little more unsettled as it transitions from one type to the other.

The best time to visit Anambas is from March to November.

Skies tend to be mostly clear, temperatures are a toasty 25-30 degrees and visibility above and below the waterline is typically excellent.

So if you're into beach-endowed island recreation, such as lounging in the sun, snorkeling, kayaking, stand up paddling, or windsurfing and kiteboarding, then Anambas will more than deliver.

Clear days...
Clear days...

Speaking of sailing, Anambas is located far enough offshore to get treated to decent trade-like winds every so often, ranging from 12-25 knots. The northeast can exceed 30 knots even.

That said, by and large, winds are typically a friendly 12-16 knots. And with literally dozens of bounty islands dotted around, sheltered spots are always available.

Incidentally, if you prefer your fun submerged, i.e. you're a diver, then it's good to know that Anambas lies within the greater Coral Triangle.

Diving, as well as snorkeling, around Anambas, given the awesome water clarity and countless coral gardens, is nothing short of world-class.

Want more details about the weather in Anambas? Just let us know.

And sunny skies ahead...
And sunny skies ahead...